Exercises to be performed under negative accentuated training (Part-2)
Exercises to be performed under negative accentuated training (Part-2)

Exercises to be performed under negative accentuated training (Part-2)

Continuing with the previous two blog on 30-10-30 principle, today I shall be detailing about how to use this principle for Biceps & Triceps workout: 

  • Barbell Curl

We shall discuss on how to do performance negative repetition. Barbell curls usually impacts biceps of upper arms.

How to do First negative movement

  1. Load the bar with adequate amount of weight/resistance.
  2. Raise the bar up to shoulder level.
  3. Lower the bar gradually inch by inch.
  4. Take 10 seconds to reach half way mark. Do not move your elbow backward. Anchor them against your sides for lowering.
  5. Keep your torso effect as you further lower the bar in 20 seconds.
  6. Get ready to do regular reps

Next steps

  1. Raise the bar up to shoulder level in 1 second( positive movement)
  2. Lower the bar down in 2 seconds(negative movement)
  3. Keep the moments study(do not rest)
  4. Do this for 10 repetitions

How to do closing negative moment

  1. Lower the bar slowly inch by inch.
  2. Be half down in 10 seconds.
  3. Unbend your arms & take the rod further down in 20 seconds.
  4. Keep holding the bars with your biceps until the count of 20.
  • Triceps push down using straight bar

We shall discuss on how to do performance negative repetition. Triceps push down usually impacts triceps brachii and anconeus.

How to do First negative movement

  1. Fix the straight/V bar on adjustable cable machine & move it to higher setting.
  2. Grab the handle with a shoulder-width, overhand grip. Bring your elbows to your sides so your forearms are parallel to the floor.
  3. Extend your forearms straight down by contracting the triceps, rotating the attachment slightly so that your knuckles face the floor at the bottom.
  4. Move against gravity & take the straight/V bar up inch by inch.
  5. Take 10 seconds to go half way
  6. Take further up in 20 seconds
  7. Make turnaround from negative to positive & repeat 10 repetitions with 1 second for positive & 2 seconds for negative.
  8. After your last repetition, do the closing negative.

How to do closing negative movement

  1. Raise the bar up slowly inch by inch.
  2. Be half up in 10 seconds.
  3. Take further up in next 20 seconds.
  4. Keep holding the bars until the count of 20.

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