Why should you Invest in your health?
Why should you Invest in your health?

Why should you Invest in your health?

Given the current scenario of sedentary lifestyle, Passion for Fitness would love to share some important insights on why investing on your health will reap positive, emotional & financial benefits in the long run.

When our bodies are healthy, it increases our happiness quotient & helps us to follow our passion/do things we love. Although poor health may not be considered too important when we are younger, it becomes tricky as we grow older. Hence it is imperative to make health an important pillar for a longer life expectancy & healthier life.

With all the information available to us, taking care of our health has never been so easy. Still it becomes difficult to understand what information we need to maintain our fitness quotient. This is widely due to fad culture & misinformation. This is the reason we at Passion for Fitness have always believed that we need to change the way we look at our health. We have been regularly providing important knowledge and information on fitness and health through our fitness blogs & content which touches important aspects of nutrition & fitness to provide correct ammunition to maintain a fit regime.

One solution fits all propositions do not work when it comes to health & there is a need to personalise your nutrition & align your fitness routine with what makes you unique: your genes.

Passion for Fitness aims to revolutionize the fitness & health industry by using a proactive & predictive approach rather than a reactive one.  Most of us think of giving importance to health only when we get sick, attract illness or injury.  People find it easy to defer things but when it comes to your health & fitness, you need to act proactively.

Besides getting enough sleep, nutrition & regular workout are two important pillars of nutrition & fitness. By learning how our body responds to changes in diet & exercise, you will be able to make informed health choices that will not only give you better results in the short term but also help you maintain a fitness discipline in the long term. This will further contribute to your physical & mental health which has become even more important during the times of pandemic.

Many of us work in an office sitting in our cubicle/workplace desk all day with minimal physical movement. Once we reach home, we gobble up the quickest possible meal without realising whether we are having our diet aligned with what our genes tell us or is the meal within our permissible daily calorie requirements & head to our couch for an evening of netflix before hitting the bed for that awaited sleep. This results in many of us leading a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle.

Physical movement & exercise is an integral part of our lifestyle balance & its benefits go beyond maintaining a health weight. Regular/daily physical activity/training reduces the risk of:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases
  2. Obesity
  3. Diabetes
  4. Hypertension
  5. Metabolic syndrome
  6. Depression

All these can be avoided by focussing on a healthy lifestyle.

You do not need to eat salad or only a fibre rich diet before going in for a sprint or marathon to make improvements to your lifestyle. Doing something like taking up stairs, moving every hour, getting up to fetch a cup of tea or glass of water are equally important in hitting that physical movement benchmark. Preferring to consume fruit over fritters or a bar of chocolate for snacks can have a huge positive impact on our health. You should strive to get the right nutrients from each of your meal plates. A serving of fruit or vegetable with each meal is a great way to have a balanced nutrient rich diet & keeping us away from illness. For physical training/workout, a perfect balance macronutrient meal is important since we need to replenish our glycogen/energy stores which we have depleted during our workout. Whether your objective is weight loss or building muscles, only 30% of it comes from workout. Rest of it comes from our genetic code & nutrition aligned with that genetic code.

Maintain a balanced diet throughout the day. Have a diet rich in protein, unrefined carbs, healthy fats, fibre & fruits & vegetables. Try to eliminate processed foods, junk food & sweets from your diet & you will feel full while going to bed. This will also lead to good sleep & better results from training.

We at Passion for fitness offer a distinctive perspective to health & fitness. We analyse your genes through a simple cheek swab to learn about your individual perspective/response to various aspects of nutrition & fitness.

From a fitness perspective, genetic insights can tell you the best way to train aligned with your muscle fibre & body type. For instance based on your muscle fibre type, the test can give you insights on what form of workout – strength or endurance would be better suited for your body. This will allow you to focus on exercises that work with your genes rather than against them.

In terms of nutrition, genetic tests guide us on our body’s sensitivity to various aspects of nutrition such as lactose, gluten, unsaturated fat & caffeine. It also tells you individual abilities to absorb important micronutrients such as vitamin, B,C, D & E & Omega-3 fatty acids which helps in protecting us from cancer & cardiovascular diseases. Knowing our genetic composition can help us optimise our micronutrient consumption.

Genetic tests also tell us about our genetic predisposition to various lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, celiac disease( related to our gut health) & cholesterol levels which can lead to cardiovascular diseases. This can help them alter their diet to eliminate the chances of developing these diseases.

According to research conducted at Stanford University, individuals lost more weight using genetic insights as compared to traditional weight loss methods.

Discover your personal traits with our genetic based personalised fitness program. We use genetic insights to personalise your nutrition & fitness plan that can work towards attaining a healthy lifestyle.

Whether you are a corporate employee or homemaker facing sedentary lifestyle, by subscribing to our transformation or get toned personalised fitness program, you will not only receive information about genetic response to various aspects of nutrition & fitness but also you’ll be coached by an international fitness coach who will cover both genetic powered nutrition & exercise aspects of the program. Sign up here.

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