Does eating late at night leads to weight gain? Truth or Myth
Does eating late at night leads to weight gain? Truth or Myth

Does eating late at night leads to weight gain? Truth or Myth

Some basic facts:

  1. Your body runs on Circadian Rhythm that tells your body what time of day it is. 
  2. During the day your body is alert & active. During the night, when it’s time to sleep you feel tired. 
  3. Conventional wisdom says that during the night, your body’s metabolism is slow & hence whatever you eat gets stored. Unless you indulge in some physical activity such as a brisk walk, all the stored food gets converted into fat. Slow metabolism leads to weight gain is a myth

When you eat is not important !

When you sleep after consuming food late at night, you still burn calories since:

  1. Your brain is working/active
  2. Body burns a lot of calories during Rapid Eye Movement(REM). This is also the stage of sleep when you dream a lot
  3. Calories are also required for normal functioning such as breathing, pumping blood & keeping all the organs functioning
  4. Body does lot of repair work on cells, tissues & muscles during the night. All of this requires calories

How much you eat is more important!

  1. Anything eating between bedtime & night meal is extra meal which means consuming more calories
  2. Eating in addition to all their meals during the entire day results in weight gain.
  3. This has nothing to do with slowing of metabolism. It’s that we are not planning that extra calories at night.
  4. Lot of late night foods consumed is junk since you do not have much healthy meal options during night.
  5. If you are going to eat late at night, prefer having real food! Stay away from junk food. Eating Apple is better than having a bunch of cookies.
  6. Even if you want to have some junk or Ice cream at night before going to bed, plan by consuming less in earlier meals & make up for it the next day by having smaller breakfast.

If the timing of meal & eating real fruit stressed you & you want to be told what you should, then hop on to your fitness journey with Passion for Fitness.  

Our one-on-one coaching pairs you with certified international coach who will get to know your goals & lifestyle & structure a plan not only for your body, but also for your schedule & life. We remove uncertainty from your diet & timing of meals to help you take control of your life.



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