How often you should workout every week?
How often you should workout every week?

How often you should workout every week?

When I commence the online fitness coaching module for my clients, they generally ask how many times in a week we should workout. Fitness is a very personalised subject & we cannot give a “ one size fits all” solution. Frequency of workout depends upon your body type, body biochemistry, medical conditions, fitness goals & your lifestyle.  Having said that, physical activity is an essential part our lives & everyone should strive to give at least 45 minutes to 1 hour to your body.

Our lifestyle & professional commitments are dominating our life changing decisions. Folks who are time pressed due to their professional & personal commitments generally do not workout more than 2 to 3 times a week & would not be able to adopt workout schedule in line with their fitness goals. For instance, someone who is aspiring to build muscles will have a different workout schedules when compared with someone who is looking to shed weight.

So how do you make sure that you train yourself at least 1 hour on a daily basis?

Human body should move & indulge in physical activity everyday. It not only maintains your fitness level but also boosts your mood, improves your metabolism, keeps your active & reduce the risk of heart & other lifestyle diseases. So it is not necessary that you do intense workout everyday. You can alternate intensity of workout so that your body feels rejuvenated. Such a workout strategy also reduces stress on mind & body. Your muscles takes time to recover/repair due to workout. The time range can vary from 2 hours to 2 days. It is not necessary for you to hit the gym/health club everyday.20 to 25 minutes brisk walk in the morning, in office after lunch. Even if you do not have time to go to gym, you can have access to workout which can be performed at home, park or in a hotel ( when you’re travelling). 

You should listen to you body & train according to your fitness level. Remember fitness is a marathon & not sprint. You need to give 100% in whatever form of workout you indulge into. An athlete will follow a more intense workout as compared to a corporate employee who shall indulge in a regular workout routine. We opine the following based on your frequency of workout

Beginners: Workout 1 to 3 times per week

Intermediate: Workout 3 to 5 times a week

Advanced: 6 to 7 times as week

Start simple & slow so that your body adapts the changes & gets used to it. Remember, it is all about adopting a sustainable fitness lifestyle.

So what kind of workout you should indulge into?

Based on your fitness goals, you can adopt the following:

  1. You are obese: 65% LISS( low intensity steady state) cardio, 35% medium weight training/calisthenics( body weight training)
  2. You are overweight: 40% LISS, 25% HIIT, 35% medium weight training/calisthenics( body weight training)
  3. You want to maintain your fitness level:  50% LISS, 50% medium weight training/calisthenics( body weight training)
  4. You want to build lean muscle: 40% LISS, 20 % HIIT, 40% medium to heavy weight training/calisthenics( body weight training)
  5. You want to bulk: 25% LISS, 75% heavy weight training/calisthenics( body weight training)

Some important aspects you should consider:

  1. Eat healthy & at regular intervals
  2. Sleep for 7 to 8 hours on a daily basis.
  3. Regular physical activity/ work on your mobility.
  4. Include one day as a rest day in your weekly workout schedule. This will help your muscles to recover

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