How workout can boost your mental health?
How workout can boost your mental health?

How workout can boost your mental health?

Workout is known to stimulate your body to produce endorphins & enkephalins, body’s natural feel good hormones which help to manage problems & stress. Given the work pressure & stress during this pandemic, mental health of people specifically corporate professionals is taking a hit. Workout/physical training everyday for at least 30 minutes can not only help you take control of your life but also empower you to have a better sense of your holistic health. Let us discuss how exercise can boost your mental health:

  1. Improves stress resilience: Poor mental health can result in cognitive inflexibility that makes us repeat negative actions & reduces our ability to absorb & process new information. It also reduces our ability to use what we already know to bring changes. Regular exercise can improve the blood flow to various parts of the brain involved in decision making thereby improving mental flexibility & stress resilience.
  1. Shield against cognitive decline: Workout can protect you against cognitive decline as you get older. Some of the endorphins produced by workout lead to a boost in protein called BDNF which stimulates nerve cell growth in your brain. Genetics has a major role to play in stimulating BDNF. Therefore, your genetics guided workout can help you prevent cognitive decline.
  1. Keeps depression risk under check: According to a recent study, workout/steady movement over 15 minutes everyday can help you reduce chances of depression by 26%. Exercise boosts serotonin, a feel good chemical in our brain. Low serotonin level can lead to depression .

Depending upon your genetic profile/make up, you can have genetic predisposition to high or low stress tolerance. A DNA or genomics test can give you detailed insights on how your body adapts to stress.Mental health is personal! Everyone has a unique genetic profile that determines which exercise, nutrition and stress management techniques would work for them.

Discover your personal traits & learn about your specific genetic predisposition to stress management. By subscribing to our membership & personalised fitness programs, you will not only receive information about genetic response to various aspects of nutrition & fitness but also be coached by an international fitness coach who will cover both genetics powered nutrition & exercise aspects of the program that will help you maximise your fitness potential & improve your mental health. Sign up here.

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