Diet for Performance
Diet for Performance

Diet for Performance

A lot of us who train their muscles on a daily basis may face a situation wherein their progress slows down over time. So where is the gap? What should be done right? How to overcome this plateau. Through the following paragraphs, we will discuss the best foods for bulking that can help you overcome this plateau.

When you start training your muscles, you see extraordinary results which will make you super happy. However, as your progress after a few months of hard work, you may observe your rate of progress comes to an halt. This happens because your body reaches a plateau & makes you frustrated. You should not worry too much about this. This happens with most of us.

However, you may be thinking how bodybuilders do it! Is it just good genes that help them build an awesome body & size? You may be putting similar efforts & in fact some of us may also be picking up heavier weights & spending more hours on physical training. So what are we missing?

Solution to your problem lines in diet- which plays a whopping 80% role in muscle building!

What you eat & how you sweat are linked to results you  will achieve from the time spent on physical training. If you are not taking your diet aligned with fitness goals & genetic predisposition to nutrition, you will not get best bodybuilding results.

If you are focussed on achieving your fitness goals, a clean & healthy eating & balanced diet are super important. If your fitness goal is to build muscles & gain weight, your focus should be on consuming both- genetically signed right foods & quantity of foods

At Passion for Fitness we focus on genetic insight guided nutrition approach. Our focus is to suggest our clients right kind of nutrition (not supplements).

It is a known fact that protein( amino acids) is the building block for bulking. Protein helps in muscle synthesis, muscle repair growth & recovery. While there are various sources of consuming protein that offers 9 essential amino acids, animal sources of protein have the highest protein content & protein absorption rate. Depending upon your training intensity, your recommended protein intake may vary. For people leading a sedentary lifestyle would require 0.8 g per kg of body weight while folks who do extensive strength training would require 2g protein per kg of body weight. However to maintain your fitness-building muscle & losing weight concurrently, you should consume 1.6 gram per kg of body weight on a daily basis. To improve/increase the nutrient intake, consider the following:

  1. Skinless chicken breasts or salmon in place of pork or Lamb
  2. Whole wheat or multigrain bread instead of white bread.
  3. Nuts, Seeds & Dried foods instead of chips & salty & processed snacks.

We are listing below foods that are necessary for muscle building

  1. Eggs
  2. Skinless Chicken Breast
  3. Salmon
  4. Tuna
  5. Milk
  6. Avocados
  7. White Turkey
  8. Nuts & Seeds
  9. Whole grains

For those on Vegan or vegetarian bad, protein consumption is a bit tricky. However, we are listing some simple hacks that will help vegans/vegetarians to meet protein requirements

  1. Quinoa
  2. Soy
  3. Buckwheat
  4. Beans & Legumes
  5. Seitan
  6. Nuts & Seeds
  7. Chickpeas
  8. Hamp Protein

Besides, right foods & their quantity, our genes also play an important role. Both your metabolism & frame size depends upon your genetic makeup. You may have a idea till now whether you have an athletic build or not!

It is important to follow personal fitness advice rather than generalised advice, as each of us responds differently to different exercises. Don’t fall into the trick of comparing your body to other people. Just because a celebrity promotes a fitness product, doesn’t mean it will work for you in similar fashion.

Your genetic makeup also guides you on genetic predisposition to risk of injuries.  Those with high injury risk need to take more precautions while workout.  For some people, it makes sense to workout daily however others require rest in between training sessions to get best results. This insight will impact speed at which you can achieve your fitness goals.

Your genetic insights will also help you determine which exercise would work for your body & therefore by understanding your genes you can personalise your training program accordingly. Our genetic response to power vs endurance sits on a scale from a high power response on one end of spectrum to a mix of both & fully endurance response to other end of spectrum.

If you are genetically predisposed to endurance response, you will get best results from low weight , more repetition workout. However, this does not mean that you cannot undertake power training. Your fitness goals will be more sustainable & efficient if your training program marries your genetic make up.

Discover your personal traits & learn about your specific genetic predisposition to workout which can help you ascertain how much coconut is bad for you. By subscribing to our membership & personalised fitness programs, you will not only receive information about genetic response to various aspects of nutrition & fitness but also be coached by an international fitness coach who will cover both genetics powered nutrition & exercise aspects of the program that will help you maximise your fitness potential & improve your mental health. Sign up for our membership here.

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