Does your genetic makeup determine the incidence of chronic diseases?
Does your genetic makeup determine the incidence of chronic diseases?

Does your genetic makeup determine the incidence of chronic diseases?

This is the right time to assess your overall lifestyle habits and evaluate how they influence your choices in good workout, sleep, stress management & social influence. Knowing answers to all these questions can help take appropriate decisions & take better care of your health & fitness. This will enable you to prevent occurrence of lifestyle diseases such as obesity, hypertension & Type-2 diabetes (to name a few) & reduce the probability of having chronic illnesses if infected by COVID. This pandemic has made adopting a healthy lifestyle even more important & critical.

These lifestyle diseases often coexist & can increase the risk of attracting another chronic illnesses. All parts of our body are interconnected in a string of web where everything needs other parts to function effectively. Malfunctioning of one part negatively impacts the other parts that together forms your holistic body. For instance, if you are overweight, it can increase your chances of attracting type 2 diabetes. Similarly, if you are suffering from thyroid, there are chances that your immune system will take a hit & you may attract celiac disease & vice versa. Since these different conditions usually co-exist, managing a healthy & fit lifestyle can help you eliminate these chronic conditions altogether. This is achievable when you control how you treat your body & what you put into it. If you cut down consumption of sugar, refined carbs, are selective in what kind of fats you consume, stay active & have restful sleep, you can keep your weight under check & reduce inflammation required to overcome type-2 diabetes & heart disease. Limiting your salt intake can reduce your risk of blood pressure & improve body functions (in case you have risk of thyroid).

Chronic diseases are closely associated with your genetic makeup/genetic predisposition, environmental & lifestyle choices that directly impact your health. Some people are at high genetic risk of attracting chronic/lifestyle diseases because of their DNA profile. Therefore an early detection of your genetic makeup & its impact on chronic illness can help you determine & make a difference to the future of your health.

Identifying your risk factors can help you take curative & preventive actions through a better selection of environment & lifestyle. Some of the elements you should focus on include weight imbalance, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity & consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

Taking a DNA test to understand your genetic risk to chronic diseases can help you understand changes you need to make in your lifestyle including nutrition, workout & sleep patterns. This genomic test is a game changer when it comes to health & fitness since it is yet to be considered a part of standard medical screening. The insights will help us to find out which food items we should not include in our diet. Broadly, you will get to learn how your genetic, environmental & lifestyle factors such as smoking habit, bad sleep, stress & blood pressure impact the risk of occurrence of lifestyle diseases.

We use these genetic insights to study your level of genetic risk to different nutrition groups & workout and personalise a fitness plan that works for your body. We devise strategies based on your genetic insights which can help you manage your stress, improve your sleep, better your nutrition & build on your physical activity. We work on holistically managing your lifestyle by working alongside your genetic make up rather than against it.

By subscribing to our membership & personalised fitness programs, you will not only receive information about genetic response to various aspects of nutrition & fitness but also be coached by an international fitness coach who will cover both genetics powered nutrition & exercise aspects of the program that will help you maximise your fitness potential & improve your mental health. Sign up for our membership here.

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