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Gut Dysbiosis: The main culprit for causing celiac disease

Gluten free diet is considered to be a standard part of our diet thanks to fad that a diet high in gluten can leave you feeling bloated or constipated. Gluten free diet is used as an armour by fitness experts to make people believe that it is necessary to be healthy. This has made more than 6% of the world population worry to make sure that the next meal does not make them feel gassy or bloated for hours. Symptoms of gluten rich diet, for those suffering from gluten intolerance range from mild boating, constipation, cramping, gastrointestinal discomfort ton constant occurrence of diarrhoea, reduced bone mass & malabsorption of essential nutrients in case of children. It is shocking to learn that there are more than 200 symptoms that can cause celiac disease & fraternity of health professionals are finding it hard to find a root cause.

Trigger of this disease is so obvious – Gluten Allergen! But from where & how this allergy came? Is it man made or we have been historically carrying it?

Historically before the agricultural revolution, we humans were hunters & gatherers & picked whatever we found to feed our body. This practice of acquiring food was so common that microbes living inside our gut supported our primitive way of acquiring food. However, since we humans entered into the new age of agriculture & dairy revolution, we have changed the way food is developed & consumed. This new practice of using technology to develop & modify food offered both benefits & pitfalls. The Agricultural revolution, no doubt, made food more secure & safe. However, it  also brought a new problem- increase of food allergies & intolerances. Some of us were able to adapt to it while others could not.

However, if someone asked what could cause Celiac Disease– what could be our answer? Gluten? Really.

No doubt Gluten causes allergic reaction in our gut when it is consumed, creating inflammation & immune response. But how did this actually happen? Is it genetic? Or something else into play ? Is it our Gut microbiome?

Lot of scientists have conducted research on what happens to the gut when we consume gluten rich food & found that a lot of patients that suffer from gluten allergy and as a result celiac disease had one thing in common- Gut Microbiome.

Our gut microbiome profile, composition & diversity is unique to us & any changes made in our gut profile will have a different impact on different people. Bacteria that thrive in our gut ecosystem have different functions to play & depending upon day or even hour , their impact on disease can change. However, there is a strong relationship between gut dysbiosis & intestinal health for which we have evidenced based research that has already been put to practice. Without a well-oiled gut machinery, we could experience additional symptoms which could arise in our colon. For folks suffering from celiac disease, it has been found that imbalance in our gut bacteria composition can increase risk of having food allergies such as Gluten. This is linked to impact of the immune system in response to gut dysbiosis & has been linked to pro-inflammatory situations caused by our disturbed gut microbe. This is done through PRR which helps up recognise if our microbes have foreign visitors or pathogens in our gut. These are said to attract allergies & leading to immune response. Lack of genes that can code PRR can also impact gut dysbiosis.

Learning about gut bacteria can help know if your gut dysbiosis plays a negative role in attracting celiac disease.Take our gut intelligence assessment here & fix up free discovery call to know more. 

2 thoughts on “Gut Dysbiosis: The main culprit for causing celiac disease”

  1. Pingback: Gut Dysbiosis: The main culprit for causing celiac disease | News Logged

  2. Pingback: Gut Dysbiosis: The main culprit for causing celiac disease | Spaand Beauty

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