Out of the box Job Search Strategies that may give you Competitive Edge
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Out of the box Job Search Strategies that may give you Competitive Edge

As an executive resume writing & coach, I earmark a bit of my time on conducting marketing intelligence which a lot of job seekers may not even consider – “ Hidden Job Market”. With a wave of layoffs & focus of organizations on reducing their operating & fixed costs, new job are hard to come by.

Hidden Job Market may mean 1000 different things to as many different professionals & job seekers. The term can be really confusing but it does not mean that corporations are hiding jobs.

This term- “Hidden Job Market” reflects 3 aspects as detailed herein below:

  1. There is an opportunity which may exist in hiring managers head but they are not able to find ample time to sit down & articulate it.
  2. Job boards cost a hell of a lot of money. The price goes up based upon number of markets or location, where each posting gets published.Although this is a normal practice for companies with big hiring budgets, small companies have to find other ways & means to spread the word in order to find the right resource
  3. There are a number of exits & people attaining superannuation at different points in time & then the hiring manager must think about it. They tend to ask around or ask who they know.

So to summarize, a lot of hiring happens below the surface. It is not necessarily hidden but  job seekers should know where to look. This becomes all the more important if they have been shown pink slip.

A smart job search game plan includes the following:

  1. Network with recently departed/moved: This approach includes connecting with professionals who have recently left an organization which is part of your target /prospect list. You can gain valuable insights regarding the work culture of a particular company & save a lot of time if the information can help you make a go or no-go decision. While it may be relative, if 4 to 6 people share similar horror stories, you have probably saved yourself. LinkedIn search filters are a great tool to find such professionals.
  2. Email Chain: Although people may not like this game plan, it does work in a lot of cases. Here is what you should do,
    1. Make  a list of 15 companies 
    2. Send the below email to 15 friends

Dear Joseph,

I have left ABC company & am looking for my next opportunity. The following are my key achievements 




I will appreciate if you could help me with the following

1)Review this list of companies(attached) to see if you might know someone & could make an introduction

2) Please share this email with 7 others

                     Many thanks


< Insert link to your LinkedIn Profile>

  1. Digital Breadcrumbs: Job seekers should leave digital breadcrumbs to make sure that the terms used by decision makers to search for people like them appears across their social media pages. Make it easier for hiring managers to find you as the right person for the skill they are looking to source.

As an executive resume writer, I agree that these out of the box job search strategies are not everyone’s cup of tea. However if you are eager to make a risker move- this can be a good alternative job search strategy

Are you looking for an executive resume writer, someone to build a compelling story for your next move to rebrand your resume or linkedIn, I would be happy to chat & help you in your next step of career growth. Reach out to me here.

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