Why is sleep important in case of hypothyroidism?
Why is sleep important in case of hypothyroidism?

Why is sleep important in case of hypothyroidism?

Fatigue is the hallmark condition for those suffering from hypothyroidism. A proper & restful sleep is extremely vital in case of hypothyroidism since it can helps to boost energy levels. We discussed in our earlier blog about the role of thyroid hormones in maintaining our metabolic health. Our book also talks about the role of thyroid hormones. Briefly hypothyroidism is caused by deficiency of thyroid hormones which slows down our metabolism & other bodily functions. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism, determine heart rate & are involved in proper functioning of every organ system. Given that thyroid hormones are involved in so many bodily functions, its deficiency can cause both day time fatigue & poor night’s sleep. In addition to causing fatigue due to slow metabolism, hypothyroidism is also a cause of sleeping disorders. 

So how can folks suffering from hypothyroidism get better sleep? In order to overcome fatigue, the simplest  solution is to sleep more but it’s easy to say than execute! Most adults do not get the sleep they need. According to American Academy of Sleep Medicine, adults should get 7 hours of sleep everyday. The first step of overcoming fatigue & getting better sleep for those  suffering from hypothyroidism is to get thyroid hormones at normal levels. Other factors that intervene with your sleep should be addressed as well. If you are suffering from sleep apnea, you should consult a doctor who may suggest  a lifestyle change, lose weight, quit smoking, eat nutrient dense foods or may prescribe a treatment. We are sharing some tips on how to get better sleep specifically who have thyroid hormone deficiency:

  1. Keep your bedroom cool: Regulating the temperature of your bedroom is important if you want to normalise your thyroid hormone levels. You should strive to set your thermostat between 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Make your room dark: Try to switch off all the lights one hour before you sleep. Darkness help with normal melatonin production
  3. Keep your mind & box relaxed: Having a relaxed pre sleep routine is important for a restful sleep. Some of the presleep activities could include- having a warm bath, reading your favorite book or listening to music.
  4. Sleep in a comfortable bed: Make sure that your mattress is not too old since it can be a problem Your mattress should be supportive for good night sleep
  5. Avoid late night meals: Having a heavy meal close to your sleep or consuming something unusual can impact your sleep. Avoid spicy dishes, caffeine & chocolate.
  6. Have a small snack in the evening: Having a light snack consisting of protein, fat & little carbs before the bed can keep your blood sugar level balanced.
  7. De-stress: Focus on relieving yourself from stress & tension closer to your bedtime. Prefer doing some relaxation activities before sleep such as mediation.

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