Health benefits of consuming nuts & seeds
Health benefits of consuming nuts & seeds

Health benefits of consuming nuts & seeds

Most of vegetarian food folks are always looking for plant based nutrient rich food. However, they find it hard to find rich plant based sources of macronutrients. So besides  fruits & vegetables, what can you consume that are rich in protein & fats-? The answer is nuts & seeds!

If you are looking to include nuts & seeds in your diet, it’s better to check out their nutritional information vis-a-vis other dietary foods. This article will discuss about nutritional information about nuts & seeds & their health benefits:

  1. Calorific value
    1. Fats: Almost most of nuts & seeds are high in calories since they contain a high amount of fat( remember,1 gram of fat contains 9 calories). A lot of them have 85% of fat. If you are looking for low calorie nuts & seeds look for those that are in shell. It is not that these nuts are low in calories but since you have to remove them from shell to eat them, you end up consuming then slow & may consume less of them. Chestnuts, Pistachios & almonds are low calorie nuts. Peanuts are also low in calories, however they are more of legumes! High calorie nuts include Pecans & Macadamia nuts. However these fats generally consist of polyunsaturated & monounsaturated fats which are healthy. Nutritionists recommend replacing meat which has high saturated fats with foods rich in unsaturated fats. 
    2. Carbs: Most of the nuts are low in carbs. Although, you may find variation in different types. Pecans, Brazil nuts & Macadamia nuts are low in carbs than many other varieties of nuts. Chia seeds are also low in carbs. Sunflower seeds are high in carbs. Carbs in nuts & seeds comes from fibre.
    3. Protein: Almost all nuts & seeds are high in protein, however the quantum of protein varies. Pumpkin, Hemp & Squash seeds offers high protein content. Sesame, Sunflower & Flax seeds also works well. Other nuts high in protein include Peanuts, Pistachios, Walnuts & Almonds 
    4. Micronutrients: All nuts have rich content of Vitamins & Minerals such as Vitamin E, Thiamin, Magnesium, Potassium & various B Vitamins

Nuts & seeds offers various other health benefits apart from being rich in good fats & micronutrients. They are high in phytonutrients. Some other health benefits include:

  1. High in antioxidants: Nuts & seeds are high in antioxidants- polyphenols which neutralize free radicals & prevents from harming cells in your body.
  2. Helps reduce Cholesterol: Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated fats help transport excess cholesterol to the liver, where they are excreted from the body.
  3. Control diabetes: Since nuts & seeds are low on carbs, they do not spike sugar level & is a perfect snacking option for those with type 2 diabetes.
  4. Offers anti-inflammatory properties: Nuts & seeds such as walnuts, chia seeds & pumpkin seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids. This is really helpful for those with diabetes, arthritis & kidney disease
  5. Helps in digestion: Since nuts & seeds contain high soluble fibre, they help in absorbing water in the intestines.
  6. Besides, nuts & seeds are perfect food inclusion for various health diets such as vegetarian diet, gluten free diet, Ketosis & other carb diets & weight loss diets since they are rich in protein & fats & low in carbs. However it is important to note that they are incomplete protein. So nuts & seeds should be combined with other protein sources to provide perfect nutrition.

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