Nailed the interview? How to follow up?
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Nailed the interview? How to follow up?

The day has arrived you have been waiting for! You are going to be interviewed by your dream company. You had an amazing interview! Recruiter/hiring manager promised to get back to you in the next 1 to 2 weeks. Now you waiting for that great news! However, it’s been 10 days you haven’t heard from the hiring manager. So how do you follow-up with the prospective employer?

Here are the tips:
1. Follow the rules
Recruiters & hiring managers generally follow a strict timeline & defined rules for hiring process since they have to browse through profile of numerous candidates before zeroing on someone. This also includes getting approval from top management for headcount as well as profile. During the interview, please listen carefully about the turnaround time the hiring manager would take to make a decision. It may vary from 1 week to a month. In order to overcome this anxiety of knowing the result of interview, it is always better for you to ask the hiring manager when to follow up. In case you have not heard from them, it is always good to wait until the time has passed.

2. Don’t be pushy
Reaching out/following up too quickly to enquire about the status can give wrong signals to hiring manager/recruiter that either your are over aggressive or desperate. There is a reason why calls are going to voicemail. Recruiter may be busy interviewing other candidates, making it impossible to answer every call. Please keep in mind that his/her fixed line has fixed line & he/she can easily determine if you are one blowing up the phone every now & them. Leave a message & wait for response.If you don’t get a call back, try not to get bogged down. Just like you are not the only candidate, this isn’t only job. Don’t be discouraged. Not getting a certain job can be blessing a disguise.

3. Ask for feedback

After days of waiting, you get a rejection email from the recruiter. You are astonished since you always knew that you are the best man for the job. Everything, your educational qualifications, credentials, experiences & career documents were a perfect fit. Most of the rejection letters are automated & does not provide any reasons for rejection. This is the point you can differentiate yourself from amateurs by showcasing professionalism. Most of Amateurs will be openly throw lot of reasons why they didn’t want to work for the company anyways. Professionals request for feedback. Some corporation’s policy does not allow to release specific information about candidates. However, there is a possibility for you to catch up with someone on a fresh morning who is willing to provide your feedback which shall help you improve for the next opportunity.

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  • Crafting high-quality career documents (résumé and cover letter) to highlight your unique value offerings.
  • Creating a tailor made LinkedIn profile so as to clearly showcase a specific value, & how you solve problems better than other job candidates.
  • Devising a job search strategy based on your preferred sector/geography/function

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