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Power of precision nutrition & medicine

Almost everyone is relying on supplements which they think help them meet their health goals-  be it for boosting immunity, improving memory or curbing that cravings for carb & sugary stuff! However the question arises: are these supplements going to work? Or something else is needed? What if these supplements further worsens our health? 

In today’s western world, people readily  accept some standard protocols such as reducing consumption of trans fats, reducing consumption of sugar & processed foods, and increasing consumption of fruits & vegetables. Every 2nd weight loss company is propagating these standard solutions! However everyone fail to realize that each human being has different needs, is unique & requires a personalised nutrition solution. This is the reason we at Genefitletics believe that the future of preventive health is precision nutrition & medicine  & that every person needs a personalised nutrition solution aligned with their gut microbiome profile.

Gut microbial community in our body determines how we digest food, how we absorb nutrients & communicated with various organs of our body-brain, immune system & Mitochondria (to name a few).

Gut microbiome for every individual is different. A lot of these differences have to do with how you are born(Vaginal or C-section), how you are fed in your infancy( breast milk or formula fed) & your current lifestyle choices. These differences influence how we digest & absorb nutrients from our food & supplements. For some individuals, it may mean easily absorbing nutrients while for others it may impact the absorption process & face digestive issues. There can be number of reasons why a particular supplement may not be right for you.

Let us discuss some nutrients that may work wonders for you on one hand & kill opportunistic pathogens thriving in your gut on the other. Health benefits of such nutrients (as discussed below) are supported by empirical evidence & research & have origins in ancient herbal medicine.

  1. Turmeric: This is the most common supplement & ingredient used in various recipes & its health benefits cannot be underestimated. It is known for its anti-inflammatory impacts. Used in various cuisines & even as an additive, Turmeric can be used to alleviate joint pain, fight inflammation & muscle soreness. Although a lot of people benefit from adding a small amount of Turmeric as an additive, it can have a blood thinning impact as well. It is important to note that if you are having blood clotting issues, Turmeric should not be part of your meal plate. If you are suffering from gut dysbiosis, Turmeric may help in killing/shelving off some specific pathogens. Undergoing a gut test can help you learn your gut microbiome profile.
  2. Ginger: Found in many recipes, ginger root has a great taste. It has huge health benefits including calming down stomach pain, bloating & other digestive issues. It is said to overcome pain associated with Arthritis, burns & various respiratory issues.
  3. Elderberry: Elderberry is said to promote & stimulate the immune system. For people suffering from autoimmune disorders ,elderberries may be harmful. Besides, those taking immunosuppressant medication, elderberry is best to be avoided.
  4. Beetroot: Beetroot is an excellent source of Vitamin A & various antioxidants. It provides an excellent source of energy for athletes for improved performance. Beetroot has high nitrate content which can charge nitric oxide & increases blood flow to muscles under strain. It is important to note that beetroot is high in oxalates. If your gut microbiome has low levels of oxalate digestive microbes- Oxalobacter, it may lead to inflammation & increase risk of Kidney stones. This is the reason the standard protocols as propagated by a lot of people are a recipe for disaster. You need to learn & adopt personalised nutrition unique for your body driven by your gut microbiome profile.
  5. Valerian Root: This powerful nutrient aids in getting better & restful sleep. Valerian root is said  to interact with other supplements & antidepressants used to treat depression & anxiety.

These nutrients come with a variety of benefits for a lot of people but also have a negative impact on the health of many people. When you are looking for a nutrition solution to improve your health, it is important to evaluate your own personal needs unique for your body. Our up the gut solution provides personalised nutrition recommendations based on functional analysis of your gut microbiome without getting into guess work. For details or free discovery call, please sign up here.

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