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Can high salt consumption lead to imbalance in gut microbiome?

With awareness about the relationship between intake of sodium & blood pressure, we moderate the consumption of salt intake in meals we make at home. However, processed foods &/or restaurant meals such as preserved meats, macaroni, cheese & fast foods have made us consume 2 to 3 times of our daily recommended salt requirements. Till now, we have believed that salt consumption is capable of impacting our blood pressure & even retaining water, but do you know high sodium consumption impacts your gut microbiome too?

When you consume food high in sodium, be it homemade, fast food or preserved foods, the food passes through your digestive system & into your intestine where nutrients are metabolised & released into the bloodstream. High salt intake can cause high blood pressure( as mentioned above) as well as hypertension. If left untreated, hypertension can increase risk of cardiovascular diseases & heart stroke. High  salt consumption has also been linked to inflammatory conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, autoimmune disorders & gut health.

Research & empirical evidence has proven the fact that there is a strong relationship between sodium consumption & salt sensitive microbes. When we consume high amounts of sodium, it damages beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus murinus in our microbiome & alters microbial activity.

Our gut microbiome exists in a delicate ecosystem consisting of competing organisms working together to maintain & upkeep health of our gut( colon). When environmental conditions change such as intake of sodium, it directly impacts the health of microbes.  Food we eat provides essential nutrients for gut bacteria. Although everyone reacts to different foods in different ways, whatever we eat feeds our gut microbiota. When we eat food that is healthy for us, it makes beneficial bacteria grow thereby strengthening our immune system & regulating digestion process. When we consume food that is not good for us, it makes pathogens grow , throwing out all good bacteria.

Lactobacillus acts as a safety wall to protect our gut from being attacked by pathogens. This beneficial bacteria is responsible for protecting our gut lining. When we consume high sodium food, activity of Lactobacillus decreases & our gut ( intestinal) lining becomes thin. This makes bacteria pass through this wall of the digestive tract allowing many microorganisms to travel throughout of body in places which are not meant for them. Sometimes these bacteria can land up in our Kidneys, thereby increasing the risk of chronic kidney disorders. This also contributes to hypertension issues.

The key role of Lactobacillus is to produce short chain fatty acid- Butyrate (favourite food for our intestinal cells). This SCFA maintains integrity of our gastrointestinal tract. When production of Butyrate falls, it impacts the health of our intestinal cells & can create Gastrointestinal issues such as IBD or Crohn’s. High salt intake is said to impact  activity of Lactobacillus bacteria. High salt intake can directly impact the balance of our gut microbiome.Such a high intake of sodium can increase risk of cardiovascular diseases, kidney disorders & renal issues.Focusing on healthier foods and restricting the salt consumptions can promote healthy microbial activity simply by making gut beneficial dietary choices.

If you consume a lot of processed foods or preserved meats or have been experiencing hypertension, your gut microbiome & sodium intake is having a strained relationship. Understanding your gut microbiome condition is the best step forward. Sign up for a free discovery call here to know more.

1 thought on “Can high salt consumption lead to imbalance in gut microbiome?”

  1. Pingback: How Salt Consumption Impacts your Gut ? | News Logged

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